Monday, May 26, 2008

Thank God Is Friday

Let’s talk about my weekends starting from Fri.
Fri was busy preparing doc. for new batch of FYP students in the morning, was down for duty in the afternoon. School had given all staff n students 1hr off early to go home to have dinner with our family but I went out with my students for dinner at PS cause was their last day of FYP. As usual I can't leave at 430 sharp due to some reasons (Anyway is related to work). Poor students had to wait for me till 530. Was abit pissed but sometime is not within our control, but is so nice for them to wait n accompany. Sat in Lynn's car to PS, was crapping while travelling there. I should say I do appreciate them, they are fun-loving n crapper. Enjoy the dinner though is abit rush. I am sorry will join u ppl again :) Rush to church after dinner for mobilization event.
My notebook had virus!!! Reformat again so slept late on Friday. Sat woke up quite early cause need to help my friend to move house. Didn't enjoy at 1st but after her brothers came, they gave me motivation to move boxes. They are great!! Guess what we saw while moving. DRY Lizard. I took a few shots of the dry lizard n "my friend took pic with the lizard too". We are crapper people. Went 3 rounds from CCK->LS then finally we come to the end. Was really tired by the time I reached home. Slept at 930pm.
My baptism n membership interview on today but I didn't prepare at all. Just said what I think. Be natural. After service, went up for interview. We will have to wait for our turn. I was so nervous so when the person called for no. 3, I thought it was my turn so I jumped up. So Pai Sei lo, then my friend laughed n laughed. I went to her place to slack. As usual I will disturb her from sleeping but I gave up because she chooses to ignore me so I went up to her sis bed n rest. Trying to get some sleep but "alarm clock rang" then "doorbell rang" then finally her sis is back n we get ready to move some stuff to LS again.
Thats the end of my weekend.

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